“Shadows Over Mars” is a riveting episode from “The Adventures of Starman” series that plunges readers into a gripping narrative set on the tumultuous surface of Mars. In this installment, chaos erupts as Colonel Curtis seizes control of Mars Outpost Prospect 1, declaring himself the supreme ruler. As Starman and his companion Lucy race to the red planet, they face unexpected technical failures and heart-wrenching pleas for help. This thrilling sci-fi adventure, crafted by Eli Burton, penned by Paul Huxley, and vividly illustrated by Ronald Acosta, not only entertains but also probes the ethical challenges and societal impacts of artificial intelligence. Perfect for fans of high-stakes interplanetary adventures and thought-provoking storytelling.
Additional information
Weight | 18 oz |
Choose Package | Collectors Bundle, Standard Copy, Signed Copy, Limited Numbered Signed, Issue 1-6, League of Starman, Starman Universe Collection |
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