“Shadows Over Mars” is a thrilling installment in “The Adventures of Starman” series, where chaos reigns as a rogue colonel seizes control of a Martian outpost. This action-packed graphic novel, crafted by Eli Burton, Paul Huxley, and Ronald Acosta, combines intense drama with deep questions about the future of AI.
Adventures of Starman
Adventures of Starman
Each Founders Starman NFT Includes:
- Digital Access to Episodes 1-5
- NFT Airdrops of the next 10 episodes.
- A claimable 5 card pack for the Starman NFT Story Game
- 10 Matic Tokens to cover network fees.
- 1 Custom ENS Player Name
- The Starman Astronaut Suit is now available! Inspired design with soft, light weight fabric, custom patches and front full-length zipper for easy wear. Personalize your suit to look just like the real-life astronauts with custom embroidery under the American Flag patch. Pants include a draw string and can be tightened to the perfect fit.
Available in Adult Sizes: XS to 2XL
Made with comfort, breathability and wash care in mind: 77% Cotton, 21% Polyester and 3% Spandex.
In Stock! Grab your suit before they sell out again.